Art Internship Post #2

May 23

My mentor Paul and I went over my tonal study of Mucha, which was my first assignment. The key concept of the assignment was to make the center of the drawing contrast in black and white tone in order to drawn the viewers attention.

example of contrast in black and white tone
examples of contrast in black and white tone


I also learned that I should always sign and date my work and put my contact information in my sketchbook.  We did perspective practice and the concept of eye level.  Then we learned how to use measuring point in perspective, replicate the squares on the floor and series of arches back into space.

Additionally, we went over the illustration process, starting with thumbnail sketches and presentation sketches.  Last, we spent time appreciating Mucha’s Save pic.
In the end, I got an assignment make an illustration based on a New York Times Magazine article about a medical mystery.
Yutong Du

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